Cellsnp-lite: Efficient Genotyping Bi-Allelic SNPs on Single Cells

Quick Usage (for Single-Cell or Bulk RNA-seq Data)

To install cellsnp-lite, please check Installation. Once installed, check all arguments by typing cellsnp-lite -h.

Cellsnp-lite has four modes to support different genotype inputs and sequencing platforms. They are summarised below:

Table 1 Cellsnp-lite Modes



Bam files



Mode 1a


Pooled one

10x scRNA-seq, scDNA-seq, scATAC-seq

Set --UMItag None for scDNA-seq and scATAC-seq data

Mode 1b


Each per cell

SMART-seq2, bulk RNA-seq


Mode 2a

To detect

Pooled one

10x scRNA-seq, scDNA-seq, scATAC-seq

Set --UMItag None for scDNA-seq and scATAC-seq data

Mode 2b

To detect

Each per cell

SMART-seq2, bulk RNA-seq


Note, Mode 2b + 1a is an internal alternative to Mode 2a.


By default, cellsnp-lite would not output the file cellSNP.cells.vcf which contains the genotypes in single cells. Please add --genotype option for outputing this file.

Mode 1: pileup with given SNPs

This mode genotypes single cells or bulk sample at a list of given SNPs, which could be common SNPs in human population (see Candidate SNPs), or called heterouzygous variants (e.g., by cellsnp-lite Mode 2b on its own).

Mode 1a: droplet-based single cells

Use both -R and -b to pileup droplet-based dataset (e.g., 10x Genomics) with given SNPs.


  • -s: a single BAM/SAM/CRAM file, e.g., from CellRanger;

  • -b: a list of cell barcodes, e.g., barcodes.tsv file in the CellRanger directory outs/filtered_gene_bc_matrices/;

  • -R: a VCF file containing a list of SNPs.

This mode is recommended comparing to mode 2, if a list of common SNP is known, e.g., for human (see Candidate SNPs).

cellsnp-lite -s $BAM -b $BARCODE -O $OUT_DIR -R $REGION_VCF -p 10 --minMAF 0.1 --minCOUNT 20 --gzip

As shown in the above command line, we recommend filtering SNPs with <20UMIs or <10% minor alleles for downstream donor deconvolution, by adding --minMAF 0.1 --minCOUNT 20

Mode 1b: well-based single cells or bulk

Use -R but not -b to pileup bulk or well-based dataset (e.g., SMART-seq2) with given SNPs.


  • -s or -S: one or multiple BAM/SAM/CRAM files (bulk or smart-seq), specified either in comma separated way (-s) or in a list file (-S).

  • -R: a VCF file containing a list of SNPs.

  • (Optional) -I or -i: sample IDs of the BAM/SAM/CRAM files.

# Set filtering thresholds according to the downstream analysis.
cellsnp-lite -s $BAM1,$BAM2 -I SAMPLE_ID1,SAMPLE_ID2 -O $OUT_DIR -R $REGION_VCF -p 10 --cellTAG None --UMItag None --gzip

cellsnp-lite -S $BAM_LIST_FILE -i SAMPLE_LIST_FILE -O $OUT_DIR -R $REGION_VCF -p 10 --cellTAG None --UMItag None --gzip

Set filtering thresholds according to the downstream analysis. Please add --UMItag None if your bam file does not have UMIs, e.g., smart-seq and bulk RNA-seq.

Mode 2: pileup whole chromosome(s) without given SNPs

This mode genotypes single cells or bulk sample on whole chromosomes, without given SNPs.

Recommend filtering SNPs with <100UMIs or <10% minor alleles for saving space and speed up inference when pileup whole genome: --minMAF 0.1 --minCOUNT 100.


For mode2, by default it runs on chr1 to 22 on human. For mouse, you need to specify it to 1,2,…,19 (replace the ellipsis).


This mode may output false positive SNPs, for example somatic variants or falses caused by RNA editing. These false SNPs are probably not consistent in all cells within one individual, hence could confound the downstream tasks such as demultiplexing. Nevertheless, for species, e.g., zebrafish, without a good list of common SNPs, this strategy is still worth a good try.

Mode 2a: droplet based single cells without given SNPs

Don’t use -R but use -b to pileup whole chromosome(s) without given SNPs for droplet-based dataset (e.g., 10x Genomics).


  • -s: a single BAM/SAM/CRAM file, e.g., from CellRanger;

  • -b: a list of cell barcodes, e.g., barcodes.tsv file in the CellRanger directory outs/filtered_gene_bc_matrices/;

# 10x sample with cell barcodes
cellsnp-lite -s $BAM -b $BARCODE -O $OUT_DIR -p 10 --minMAF 0.1 --minCOUNT 100 --gzip

Add --chrom if you only want to genotype specific chromosomes, e.g., 1,2, or chrMT.


Mode 2a does joint calling and genotyping, but it is substantially slower than calling first in a bulk manner by Mode 2b followed by genotyping in Mode 1a. Otherwise, it is handy for small chromosomes, e.g., mitochondrial.

Mode 2b: well-based single cells or bulk without SNPs

Don’t use -R and -b to pileup whole chromosome(s) without given SNPs for bulk or well-based dataset (e.g., SMART-seq2).


  • -s or -S: one or multiple BAM/SAM/CRAM files (bulk or smart-seq), specified either in comma separated way (-s) or in a list file (-S).

  • (Optional) -I or -i: sample IDs of the BAM/SAM/CRAM files.

# a bulk sample without cell barcodes and UMI tag
cellsnp-lite -s $bulkBAM -I Sample0 -O $OUT_DIR -p 10 --minMAF 0.1 --minCOUNT 100 --cellTAG None --UMItag None --gzip

# SMART-seq2 single cells
cellsnp-lite -S $BAM_LIST_FILE -i SAMPLE_LIST_FILE -O $OUT_DIR -p 10 --minMAF 0.1 --minCOUNT 100 --cellTAG None --UMItag None --gzip

# 10x scRNA-seq sample in a pseudo-bulk manner
cellsnp-lite -s $BAM -O $OUT_DIR -p 10 --minMAF 0.1 --minCOUNT 20 --cellTAG None --UMItag UB --gzip

Add --chrom if you only want to genotype specific chromosomes, e.g., 1,2, or chrMT.

Advanced Usage

Cellsnp-lite supports data from various sequencing platforms, including RNA-seq, DNA-seq, ATAC-seq, either in single-cell or bulk.

The default options of cellsnp-lite is set for 10x scRNA-seq data, i.e., --cellTAG is set to CB and --UMItag is set to UB. However, it is very flexible to make cellsnp-lite to support data from other platforms by changing a few options, mainly -b, -i, or -I to specify whether the data is in single-cell or bulk, and --cellTAG, --UMItag to turn on or off cell and UMI tags.

Below shows some advanced usage of cellsnp-lite that incorporate different combinations of options.

Processing other omics data

Different omics data follow distinct experimental protocols, which leads to the diversity of the output data format. For example, 10x 3’ or 5’ scRNA-seq data has both cell and UMI tags in the BAM file, while 10x scDNA-seq and scATAC-seq data only have cell tag but not UMI tag.

If the omics data has cell tag, set it in --cellTAG, e.g., --cellTAG CB for the CB tag for 10x scRNA-seq data. Otherwise, please turn it off with --cellTAG None.

If the omics data has UMI tag, set it in --UMItag, e.g., --UMItag UB for the UB tag for 10x scRNA-seq data. Otherwise, please turn it off with --UMItag None.

We list options for some common omics data:

Table 2 Cellsnp-lite Options for Various Omics





10x scRNA-seq (3’ or 5’)

both cell and UMI tags

--cellTAG CB --UMItag UB


10x scDNA-seq

only cell tag

--cellTAG CB --UMItag None


10x scATAC-seq

only cell tag

--cellTAG CB --UMItag None



has none of cell or UMI tags

--cellTAG None --UMItag None


Bulk RNA-seq

none of cell or UMI tags

--cellTAG None --UMItag None


If your data is not from platforms above, please choose proper --cellTAG and --UMItag values, e.g., by following the experimental protocols or by checking the BAM records with samtools view.

Running in a pseudo-bulk manner

Cellsnp-lite supports bulk data, including bulk RNA-seq, DNA-seq, and ATAC-seq, in Mode 1b or Mode 2b.

In certain scenarios, you may want to genotype in a psedo-bulk manner on your single-cell data. Then you may specify a single sample name in -I (e.g., -I Sample0), not -b. Note that you need to turn off the cell tag with --cellTAG None. As to the UMI tag (--UMItag), please choose a proper value based on your data.

Genotype 10x scRNA-seq data in a pseudo-bulk manner

To genotype 10x scRNA-seq data in a pseudo-bulk manner with cellsnp-lite mode 1b (or mode 2b), it is recommended to subset the BAM file first, by extracting the alignment records with valid cell barcodes only. Here the valid cell barcodes are typically the cell barcodes stored in the cellranger output folder filtered_gene_bc_matrices, which are the cells with high-quality sequencing data.

See also: issue #100.

Full Parameters

Please type cellsnp-lite or cellsnp-lite -h to see the list of full parameters.

General options

-s, --samFile STR

Indexed BAM/CRAM file(s), comma separated multiple samples.

-S, --samFileList FILE

A file listing BAM/CRAM files, each per line.

-O, --outDir DIR

Output directory for VCF and sparse matrices.

-R, --regionsVCF FILE

A vcf file listing all candidate SNPs, for fetch each variants.

-T, --targetsVCF FILE

Similar as -R, but the next position is accessed by streaming rather than indexing/jumping (like -T in samtools/bcftools mpileup).

-b, --barcodeFile FILE

A plain file listing all effective cell barcodes, e.g., the barcodes.tsv file in the CellRanger directory outs/filtered_gene_bc_matrices/.

The barcodes in the -b file should match exactly with the string in the cell tag (--cellTAG), including the suffix (e.g., -1) if applicable. Otherwise, no UMIs or reads would be pileup and the output would be empty.

-i, --sampleList FILE

A list file containing sample IDs, each per line.

-I, --sampleIDs STR

Comma separated sample IDs, e.g., "Sample_0" for single sample, or "Sample_1,Sample_2,...,Sample_N" for multiple sample IDs.

-V, --version

Print software version and exit.

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit.

Optional arguments

--chrom STR

The chromosomes to use, comma separated. Default is 1 to 22 (for human).

You can also pileup specific chromosomes, e.g., 1,2, or chrMT.

If you want to pileup all chromosomes in mouse data, you need to specify it to 1,2,...,19 (replace the ellipsis).

Chromosome names and order

For chromosome names: the chromosome names specified by this option should match the @SQ records in the SAM/BAM header, especially for mitochondrial chromosome, which has multiple names, such as chrM and chrMT. You may check the @SQ records with samtools view -h.

Notably, cellsnp-lite would internally remove the “chr” prefix (if available) of all chromosome names, including the names specified by --chrom option and the ones in the input BAM and VCF records. Therefore, users do not need to tweak the chromosome names in the option and the two files if they only differ in the “chr” prefix.

Users do not need to sort the chromosomes as their order in both files do not matter, as long as the BAM records have been sorted by coordinates, e.g,. with samtools sort, and there is an BAM index (.bai) file.

--cellTAG STR

Tag for cell barcodes, turn off with None. Default is CB.


Generally, you need to set this option to None if the input reads do not have cell barcodes, e.g., for 10x scDNA-seq or scATAC-seq data. Otherwise, no UMIs or reads would be pileup and the output would be empty.

--UMItag STR

Tag for UMI: one of UB, Auto, None. Default is Auto.

For Auto mode, use UB if barcodes (-b) are inputted, otherwise use None. The None mode means no UMI but read counts.


For data without UMI, such as bulk RNA-seq, 10x scDNA-seq, 10x scATAC-seq, SMART-seq2 etc, please set --UMItag None. Otherwise, all pileup counts will be zero.


Minimum aggregated UMI or read count. Default is 20.

SNPs whose aggregated UMI (if --UMItag is not None) or read (otherwise) count is smaller than this value would be filtered and not outputted.


Minimum minor allele frequency. Default is 0.00.

The parameter minMAF is minimum minor allele frequency, which is the minimum frequency of the allele with second highest read or UMI count for a given SNP site.

This parameter can be used for SNP filtering. See issue #77, #90, #93 for detailed discussions.

-p, --nproc INT

Number of threads to use. Default is 1.

-f, --refseq FILE

Faidx indexed reference sequence file. If set, the real (genomic) reference allele (REF) extracted from this file would be used for Mode 2 or for the missing REFs in the input VCF for Mode 1.

Without this option, cellsnp-lite mode 2 would take the allele with the highest count as REF and the second highest as ALT, with little input information about the actual (genomic) reference. This is different from mode 1, which uses the REF and ALT alleles specified in the input VCF.

See also: issue #28.


If use, do genotyping in addition to counting.

By default, cellsnp-lite would not output the file cellSNP.cells.vcf which contains the genotypes (e.g., “0/0”, “1/0”, “1/1”) in single cells. Please add this option for outputing the file.


If use, the output VCF files will be zipped into BGZF format. Otherwise, the output VCF files would be plain files.

Briefly, BGZF format is compatible with gzip, while it is required for some popular HTS tools for indexing, e.g., bgzip. Please see details at https://www.htslib.org/doc/bgzip.html#BGZF_FORMAT.


If use, the SNPs skipped when loading VCF will be printed. This option is only used by developers for debug.


If use, keep doublet GT likelihood, i.e., GT=0.5 and GT=1.5. This option will be marked as deprecated.

Read filtering


Required flags: skip reads with all mask bits unset. Default is "".


Filter flags: skip reads with any mask bits set. Default is UNMAP,SECONDARY,QCFAIL (when use UMI) or UNMAP,SECONDARY,QCFAIL,DUP (otherwise).

You can easily aggregate and convert the flag mask bits to an integer at https://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/explain-flags.html


Special care needs to be taken when filtering PCR duplicates for 10x scRNA-seq data by including DUP bit in --exclFLAG, for the upstream pipeline may mark each extra read sharing the same CB/UMI pair as PCR duplicate, which will result in most variant data being lost. Due to the reason above, cellsnp-lite by default uses a non-DUP --exclFLAG value to include PCR duplicates for 10x scRNA-seq data when --UMItag is turned on.

--minLEN INT

Minimum mapped length for read filtering. Default is 30.

The mapped length is the number of reference positions that a read aligns to, i.e., only count positions whose CIGAR operation is one of BAM_CMATCH, BAM_CEQUAL, BAM_CDIFF.

See also: pysam::get_reference_positions() <https://pysam.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pysam.AlignedSegment.get_reference_positions>.


Minimum MAPQ for read filtering. Default is 20.

MAPQ stands for mapping quality.


Deprecated. Please use --maxDEPTH.


This option was first introduced in cellsnp-lite v1.2.3, for setting a maximum pileup read count at a position per input file. It was designed to count those filtered reads as well, to be distinguished from --maxDEPTH, which was designed to exclude those filtered reads during counting.

However, it seems the effect of --maxPILEUP deviates from the original intention of designing it. It has the same effect as --max-depth in bcftools mpileup (and also --maxDEPTH in cellsnp-lite), which is expected to exclude filtered reads, since we used this --maxPILEUP value in bam_mplp_set_maxcnt(). Therefore, we would like to mark this option as deprecated, and recommend using --maxDEPTH instead.


At a position, read maximally INT reads per input file, to avoid excessive memory usage. Default is 0. Note, 0 means highest possible value (currently INT_MAX).

It is expected to mimic the --max-depth in bcftools mpileup.


If use, do not skip anomalous read pairs.


Below are some details of the cellsnp-lite inputs. Note that not all files listed below are required for cellsnp-lite. Please look into section Quick Usage to check the required inputs for each mode of cellsnp-lite.

Sequence alignments

BAM/CRAM file(s), specified via -s or -S.

Note that these files should be indexed, e.g., with samtools index.

A list of SNPs

VCF file, specified via -R or -T.

Note that this file is required for Mode 1, but not Mode 2. You may use either a list of genotyped SNPs (e.g., from bulk data), or common SNPs in population (we have pre-compiled a list of 7.4 million common variants (AF>5%) for human, see List of common SNPs for details).

When genotypes for each individual is avaiable for demultiplexing.

You may use bcftools merge to make a combined VCF for all donors.

When the input VCF contains missing alleles.

Usually, the VCF should contain a list of heterozygous SNPs with valid REF and ALT alleles (i.e., REF and ALT should be one of 'A', 'C', 'G', 'T', and different from each other). In some special scenarios, the input REF or ALT could be empty, then cellsnp-lite can assign specific alleles to them.

If the REF field in VCF is not provided, then cellsnp-lite will extract the REF allele from the reference genome sequence automatically (FASTA file specified via -f). If the ALT field in VCF is not provided, then cellsnp-lite will assign the allele (other than REF) with the highest UMI/read counts as the ALT.

A list of cell barcodes

Plain or gzip file, specified via -b.

One cell barcode per line in the file. This file is required for genotyping single cells in data containing cell tags, e.g., 10x scRNA-seq data.

A list of sample IDs

Either a string specifying one or multiple sample IDs separated by comma (-I), or a file listing sample IDs, each per line (-i).

The sample ID(s) are required for genotyping in bulk data (single sample) or single cells in data without cell tags, e.g., SMART-seq2 data.


Brief Introduction

Cellsnp-lite outputs at least 5 files listed below (assuming --gzip option was used):


A VCF file listing genotyped SNPs and aggregated AD & DP infomation (without GT).


A TSV file listing cell barcodes or sample IDs.


A file in “Matrix Market exchange formats”, containing the allele depths of the alternative (ALT) alleles.


A file in “Matrix Market exchange formats”, containing the sum of allele depths of the reference and alternative alleles (REF + ALT).


A file in “Matrix Market exchange formats”, containing the sum of allele depths of all the alleles other than REF and ALT.

Note, an additional VCF file cellSNP.cells.vcf.gz would be outputed if --genotype option was specified. This file contains genotyped SNPs and AD & DP & genotype (GT) information for each cell or sample.

About REF and ALT alleles

The final output REF and ALT alleles are stored in the VCF files cellSNP.base.vcf.gz and cellSNP.cells.vcf.gz (if --genotype is used).


Cellsnp-lite was designed for bi-allelic SNPs. In its Mode 1, REF and ALT alleles are specified by user while in mode 2, REF and ALT are inferred from data as the alleles with highest and second highest read(UMI) counts. Therefore, in Mode 1, the REF or ALT in the reference VCF could be different from the major or minor allele inferred from data. For example, the ALT in VCF could be REF in the data.

Mode 1

In Mode 1, the REF and ALT alleles are expected to be specified in the input VCF file (-R or -T).

  1. When both REF and ALT are specified in input (most common scenario)

    The two alleles will be outputed as it is.

  2. When REF is specified and ALT is missing in input

    The REF will be outputed as it is and the allele (other than REF) with the highest UMI/read counts will be assigned as the ALT.

  3. When REF is missing and ALT is specified in input

    When -f is used, the real genomic reference will be extracted from FASTA file as REF and the allele (other than REF) with the highest UMI/read count will be assigned as ALT.

    Otherwise, cellsnp-lite would take the allele with the highest count as REF and the second highest as ALT.

    Note, the infered (output) ALT could be different from the input ALT.

  4. When both REF and ALT are missing in input

    The same with point 3.

Mode 2

In Mode 2, the REF and ALT alleles are expected to be detected from data.

When -f is used, the real genomic reference will be extracted from FASTA file as REF and the allele (other than REF) with the highest UMI/read count will be assigned as ALT. Otherwise, cellsnp-lite would take the allele with the highest count as REF and the second highest as ALT.